Pier and Beam Foundation's Advantages

Do you know what a pier foundation is? Have you yet come across a house that appears to be constructed on stilts? These houses are constructed on pier and beam foundation, which is akin to constructing a wooden deck. Keep up with us! The advantages of a pier foundation will be discussed in this article.

What Is the Purpose of a Pier Foundation?

A pier foundation is a vertical pillar series that carry the weight of the structure to the soil. The beams are erected atop the columns. They raise the home off the ground and are particularly popular in coastal areas where rising seas pose a threat. Therefore, for the damage or cracks in it, you would do immediate pier and beam foundation repair.

Pier foundations are ideal for situations where laying a typical foundation would be difficult, such as around trees or large root systems.

  • When disintegrated rocks are near the surface with firm soil underneath, pier foundations are used.

  • When the earth contains a lot of firm clay, it provides resistance.

  • When a house is made out of logs or timber.

  • When the residences must be constructed on a slope.

  • When the soil's water-bearing capacity is low.

Pier Foundation Types

  1. Concrete or masonry piers – These solid piers are made of concrete and are dependent on the stratum level (load-bearing soil). Masonry piers are employed if good soil is not too deep beneath the foundation.

  2. Drilled caissons – Due to the cylindrical shape, these piers are also known as bored piers. They are drilled into the earth and then reinforcing and concrete materials are used to fill it. Weight-bearing concrete columns can reach bedrock via caisson drilling, giving a more robust foundation for huge constructions.

The Benefits of Pier Foundations

The advantages of employing a pier foundation are listed below.

  1. Less materials are required due to the spacing of the columns.

  2. A wide range of design options.

  3. Doesn't necessitate a lot of digging and concrete.

  4. It has a low impact on the soil ecosystem.

  5. It helps keep rising water away from the house by lifting the house off the ground.

  6. There is enough space between the house and the ground to install services such as pipes and electrical wiring.

  7. Because there is ample space to crawl under the space between the home and the ground, workers can quickly solve electrical and plumbing difficulties.

  8. The home floor is comfortable to walk on and does not rest on a solid surface.

  9. Inspection and maintenance are simplified due to the spacing.

  10. Engineers can make changes or additions to the design as needed.

  11. In the case of drilled pier construction, the ground vibration normally associated with driven piles is absent.

  12. Under-reaming the bottom might boost bearing capacity. When you under-ream a hole, you widen it beyond its original drilling size.

  13. Because air circulates beneath the home, mildew and decay are rare.

Consult us at Ramjack by American Leveling for pier and beam foundation repair. For slab jacking or any other foundation issues we are with you.


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