Shifts in Foundation – Can Microearthquake Be a Reason?

Microearthquakes are common, and in many states throughout the world, they occur frequently. We don't even feel small earthquakes on the Richter scale much of the time, which are 2.0 or less, but that doesn't mean that our houses and foundations don't. Microearthquakes typically do not cause significant harm, but they certainly affect the foundations and sometimes cause changes, especially from multiple mini-quakes over time. Call for home foundation inspection if your area has experienced a microearthquake.

Shift Happens


Cracks are triggered by microearthquakes. Check the base, your walls, ceilings, doorways, window frames, outside and inside - anywhere your house can have cracks. Also hairline cracks should be treated instantly, and a severe problem could be suggested by any crack over a quarter-inch.

Flash a light into it if you encounter a crack to get a better understanding of the width of the cracks.

Other Signs

If it becomes hard to close doors or windows, it may be a warning that the foundation is changing. If floors are getting smaller, it's an indication as well.

Depending on the form of base, chipping or breaking-off foundation blocks or bricks are a symptom of foundation problems. It may also be a warning sign if there are leaning chimneys or vents have started to break off.

If you start to find any of these symptoms, it's best to immediately contact a specialist for home foundation inspection. It is much more expensive to ignore future foundation problems than to fix minor foundation repairs when they arise naturally from microearthquakes.

The Signs

Look around for cracks: Cracks are the easiest to detect indicator of earthquake damage to the base of a building. Normally, hairline cracks pose no threat. Larger and deeper cracks in the blocks of your base may however, suggest a shifted foundation. Any crack larger than 1⁄4 of an inch might indicate issues. Such cracks can in nature be stair-step or horizontal.

Exterior Cracks: Use a flashlight to peek through the crack if you encounter a crack. Note how deep the crack is or whether the crack is clean and the steel reinforcement has been exposed. It can show significant foundation damage every time you see this.

Inside Cracks: In addition to cracks in the foundation, cracks in the sheetrock inside your home may also signify a change in the foundation. Small cracks are most definitely no big deal, however. Be sure to check both inside and outside for cracks around door openings and windows, as they are often present in these areas. When the base has suffered damage, you can also find doors or windows being difficult to open and shut.

Examine the entire house: perform a visual review of the exterior of your home. Make sure that your home is not off the base or in any way leaning. Furthermore, check the chimney if it is leaning or unattached with the ceiling.

Contact the Experts: No matter how confident you are that the base of your home has not been affected, if there have been many earthquakes in the region you live in, it is best to contact foundation experts to ensure that you have not missed any damage. See us at Ramjack by American Leveling for foundation repair and related requirements.


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